Always be keynoting…
Today I shared Build a Better Now® at a philanthropy conference on the east coast to a ballroom of nonprofit experts trained in the conversational art of making the ask.
This is an area I know well having been the Executive Director of an international nonprofit for the last thirteen years (One Hundred For Haiti).
I spoke on finding our focus, building relationships (with donors), and the impact we have on others beyond the room when we are devoted to a cause.
For those who have followed Trial and my lyrics, this essentially was the song “Unrestrained” taken to the keynote stage, bringing together 25 years of speaking on the ripple effect of human inspiration.
All this, and I balanced a chair on my face. Because if they aren’t laughing, they aren’t learning.
“Take what you feel inside of this room and break away….I’ll bring the feeling of this moment when I leave.”
Learn more about my keynotes to help you build a better now: here!
