“I thought keynote speakers were supposed to be BORING!?!”
– Audience member, Mike, still smiling fifteen minutes after I got offstage
Actually, Mike…only some. But not THIS one. 🤣
Thank you to the State of Oklahoma, Department of Human Services for having me keynote today at “PossABLE”, a conference for professionals and caregivers serving those with developmental disabilities.
Talk about an audience worthy of respect. Half the people in the audience have been on a wait list for THIRTEEN YEARS to get access to state services for their loved ones. That wait is finally over.
When I talked about facing challenges with determination, caring with inspiration, and creating elevation by supporting those around you, I was speaking to experts already. Together we shared some great content points and had a lot of fun.
Tomorrow I travel across the state to deliver another keynote for a different region on the same topic.
As for today, I was glad that balancing a chair on my face along with some solid audience interaction was enough to keep Mike inspired AND entertained. I wouldn’t have wanted to meet his expectations of what keynote speakers are supposed to be! 😂
Learn more about my keynotes to help you build a better now: here!